"In the December 12 ruling by the US Supreme Court handing the election to George Bush, the Court committed the unpardonable sin of being a knowing surrogate for the Republican Party instead of being an impartial arbiter of the law."
Vincent Bugliosi, "The Nation" Feb 5, 2001.
The destruction of American rule of law under the United States Constitution began in earnest with the Supreme Court decision to halt the vote count in Florida and consequentially to crown George W. Bush as President.

Once in power, the
Bush crime family along with their cronies and handlers, set about to subvert the constitution, gutting it of its power to regulate the federal government's intrusion into the affairs of its citizens. This unleashed an entirely unprecedented consolidation and abuse of power into an oligarchy with no national interest or benefit, instead the Bush cabal rearranged the federal government to a cabal of money and power players. It also gutted the constitution's separation of powers which led to the administration usurping power from any and all quarters, a process continuuing to this day as they have fired federal prosecutors who opposed their political agendae. However dishonest may have been George's ascent to the inaugaration platform should we not insist he hew to the oath he swore to become our president. Article II Section 1 "Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Growing up in the fifties, I remember there were conservative and liberal points of view in politics, but with whichever one felt more aligned, there was a mutual trust that the other shared the same mission to achieve the common good. We have seen in the five decades since, the conservative point of view being commandeered by those with selfish interests, twisting conservative philosophy into a pathetic pandering to wealth and power.

Of late,
Karl Rove has achieved great success in duping Christian activists into an even more demonic expression of power corrupted beyond any hope of redemption. God must be disgusted by his loudest believers, and surely Jesus weeps for the darkness and hatred of those who call him Lord. Happy Easter, right? If Jesus came back this very day, he'd be pissed at Christians for not acting like Christians.

As outrageous as the White House staff misbehaved, it does not meet the constitutional definition of
treason. Article III Section 3. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." {At this point, the White House may wish to change its policy towards the constitution and try to preserve it instead, since it may be their last legal resort against the death penalty for all of them.}

There are those who will get their panties in a bunch about "liberal bloggers", so what? No matter how many knuckleheads spew neo con propaganda, they're still knuckleheads who don't have the slightest clue about the damage they are doing to our planet and its people. The liberals they believe in, don't exist. What does exist is people who care how we live, how we treat the weakest and poorest among us, and the legacy we leave our children and their descendents.
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