February 28, 2007

You Are a US Government Lab Rat

We Americans have never been in such monstrous danger before. Q: Alarming? A:Yes. Q:I am being an alarmist? A:Not nearly enough.

War and Terrorism - Before 911, in the early days of the Bush presidency, it's now well documented that Cheney and his cronies were seeking a reason to invade Iraq. Before 911, the Bush administration failed to heed the clearly titled document provided him by the Clinton administration that Bin Laden was planning to use commercial aircraft as guided missles into American buildings. Before Bush was president the Congress ignored the same warning in the Senate report by Senator Daschle because the Republicans were too busy scurrying around looking at stains on a blue dress. After 911, the Bush presidency already had in hand a homeland security bill many hundreds of pages long, so within two weeks of the attack, Congress was ready to vote away the freedoms we Americans had come to take for granted. After 911, the Bush administration created hysteria that the next big threat to us was Iraq by mounting a campaign of outright filthy lies and squelching any dissenting voices such as the CIA agents who claimed they'd been ordered to alter their intelligence reports to fit the Bush agenda. After the invasion, we established a civil war in Iraq whether by blundering incompetence or by sinister design. Now we have thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands of Iraqi's, and the wounded number in the hundreds of thousands. For the first time in our history, we waged war against a country that had not attacked or even threatened us. For the first time in our history we are the prime terrorists creating a wave of 2 million refugees from Iraq. It's our fault, whether we aided it, or merely accepted it. This is easily America's most shameful actions by our most shameless dynasty. Are we safer now from terrorists? Hell no! We've made it far worse for ourselves and the rest of world by creating a breeding ground of anger and hate in the Middle East. Perhaps the worst part of all this that we'll never be free of it now. That part of the world is home to strife stretching back thousands of years, and these are people who are never defeated. When they lose, they always come back for revenge. Now Bush has included the US in that perpetual state of war. Even Cheney admitted that was so.

Global warning - Yes, it's real. The only controversy is generated by factions in our government and within the corporate world who place immediate greed ahead of the long term welfare of our descendents. You'd think they didn't have families of their own with grandchildren who will have to suffer the consequences of their insane short sightedness. Every major industrialized country is taking this very seriously and putting into place mechanisms to stem the flow of tons of carbon into our atmosphere, with one notable exception, the US. This seems all the more outrageous when one considers the fact that we receive 5,000 times more energy from the sun than we currently need. The beauty of solar energy and it's derivatives such as wind power is that the Earth is no warmer after we use the energy than it would be if we didn't. Imagine if the State of California put out to bid a contract to cover every roof in the state and every sound wall along the freewayswith solar electrical panels, we'd see the price the panels plunge as companies fought for the low bid and used their ingenuity to make it work. Imagine if other states did the same. What about the oil companies? Who says the only use for oil is burning it? We're talking about a resource of immensely complex hydrocarbons that are useful for a mind boggling array of uses as material, rather than fuel. What about the coal companies? Who says we must burn it? Imagine turning all that raw carbon into carbon fibers, bucky balls and fullerenes to create an inexhaustible source of building materials.

Bio Tests on Citizens - You would lie awake at night in a cold sweat if you looked at our government experiments on its citizens in the past, and then realize that history isn't over. You can bet your shorts, they're still at it. We now know about the experiments at Tuskugee University deceiving black men infected with syphyllis that they were receiving treatment, when in fact they were not, so that the progress of the disease could be observed unchecked over a long period of time. During the cold war, our CIA gave LSD to unsuspecting people to learn how to use it to manipulate, brainwash, and derive information from their investigation targets. Some of those led directly to innocent people going mad and committing suicide. In a way, Timothy Leary saved a generation by getting young people to experiment with it, and to know it, so it could not be used against them. The FDA has been approving alterations to our food supplies in one of the most massive experiments ever made upon a population, using such techniques as bovine growth hormone in milk, genetic alterations to basic foodstuffs such as our grains, and approving a plethora of mind altering drugs to pacify everyone's emotions and turn them into drones willing to accept the ripping asunder of American traditions, and shredding the constitution. The latest leak on government messing with our minds is a synthetic pheromone known on the street as F-9, terribly addictive through its direct effect upon our most intimate emotions of sexuality.

So go to bed tonight and try not to have nightmares, since as our fat headed political commentators like to say, you're living in the best country on Earth. Remember the Beatle's song, "...and I will sing a lullaby, Boy!, you're going to carry that weight a long time."


Anonymous said...

Wayne you seem like you know alot about these conspiracy theory. What happens to people who try F-9? I found this report on current.tv.


Why doesn't CNN, FOX or anyone know about this? Do you think the US Government would do this again? I found a protien strain report on the net and I know it's real. What the hell is going on? Spanish Fly? Disease? I'll be pissed if I find out that they have been using it on people for mind control and that is how we ended up with Bush! -Thanks for your blog. -Art Wooden

Wayne Schotten said...

I have trouble calling these things conspiracy theories since the term has been so badly maligned by thick skulled commentators. The fact is, the world is full of, and has always been full of, people trying to gain advantage, wealth and power by developing and executing schemes of every sort. That doesn't mean we should believe in all conspiracies, but if you can imagine it, so can someone else, and that someone else may not have your scruples.

I'm still learning about F-9 myself, and if the reports are true, then pheromone research has entered a new realm of potency. So often we think of the government trying to control us with force and coercion, but it was the ancient Romans who taught us the value of bread and circuses.

Pheromones do not affect us the way smells do, nor do they appeal to our rational minds, instead pheromones stimulate our amygdala which is our brain's seat of emotion physically located right behind our prefrontal lobes wherein our consciousness seems to reside.

You may be on to something about Bush, since I am still astonished at how little people were outraged, almost as if they were drugged, at the Supreme Court turning the presidency over to Bush and denying the State of Florida its obligation to conduct its own fair and accurate vote count. The most stunning memory I have of that debacle was the video of the beleagured vote counters threatened with bodily harm by the crazed hoarde of Republican operatives banging on the doors and lunging at the windows demanding to be allowed to enter the vote counting room. Does anyone remember, were they wearing brown shirts?