If we weren't the culprits, we'd be demanding our country act quickly to stop the bloodshed. Why aren't you mad as hell? Why aren't you writing your president, your congress people, the United Nations, the Red Cross, the World Court, demanded that the invaders be pushed back, and a peace keeping force put in place by the UN to quell the civil war? Are you so wrapped up in who's the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby?* Are you too absorbed in American Idol? I'm trying to understand whether Americans are either too absorbed in the corporate news fluff predicted by "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and explained by "Understanding Media" by Marshall MacLuhan, or have Americans been so overexposed to tragedies and disaster that we've become numb, or have Americans become so poorly educated through home schooling and attacks on public schools by the right wing that they don't get what's going on in the world?

Now our administration announces we are accepting 7,000 refugees from Iraq, a fact that has to make us pause to wonder how can we trust them to screen out Al Qaeda secret operatives?
*After you clink on this link, be sure to try some of the links on that page.
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