I would have chosen a simpler name for this blog, if I knew simpler words that meant exactly the same.
A name transforms reality into language."That which we call a rose, by another name would smell as sweet" (Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet).jpg)
And so:
Homoperfectus is the term sometimes used to denote the species that will evolve from
Homosapiens , that is, us.
Avatar is used in the computer sense of representing myself as the blogger and you as the visitor. Watch for the day when Blogger will merge with
The Sims to enable us to relate to one another on the web as animated figures.
"Come on the amazing journey, and learn all you should know." (
"Tommy" by the Who)
I and my friends are developing a future-fiction, theatrical, feature-film
"Drones, Clones and Pheromones".

Human cloning is inevitable, unless humanity is rendered helpless by calamity or catastrophe. I'm not comfortable with that idea, but it will happen someday, somewhere, maybe not in our lifetime but it will happen. When it does, the opportunity to select genetic traits, and to splice
DNA from other sources will be irrestible. Humanity will not longer reproduce only through the random selection typified by the back seat of automobiles, but we will be actively engaged in determining the fundamental human nature of our descendants. Ethics and laws are lagging way behind technology, and morals have been left in the dustbin of history. It's not too early to start thinking about these things, so when they are a reality, we have developed a body of thought and opinion to guide us.

In "Drones, Clones and Pheromones" we see ourselves twenty years from now discovering that there are human clones who have grown up in our midst and are now coming out of the closet. They are highly intelligent, talented, marvelous physical specimens, superior in practically everyway to regular humans. This is going to scare some people silly. Others will be fascinated and friendly with them. Others won't care so long as they do their job, and "don't scare the horses". Unfortunately, there will surely be those who oppose them viciously out of religious beliefs, or for political opportunity. The main character of the story is a coming of age teenage clone who must discover for himself what he is, what is purpose in life should be, and what are the answers to the ethical questions posed by his radically experimental abilities. He is the avatar of humanity as we come to terms with the implications, promises and responsibilities of taking evolution into our own hands. Fortunately, he finds a life partner in a regular human who brings love into his life and connects him to the fundamentals of life of which we all must partake.

This film is the first part "The Supremacy Project" consisting of a theatrical trilogy and a TV series spinoff. Who will gain supremacy as enhanced clones enter our society, impact our culture, and assimulate with us? Will the enhancements give the cloned humans a powerful edge, or will regular humans as the crown of creation prevail because of force of millions of years of natural evolution? Personally, I believe the superior human beings are those who recognize the humanity in all people.
While we ramp up to producing "Drones, Clones and Pheromones" on
35mm film, we are producing it's backstory as a prequel told in random fragments as webmovies on Youtube, MySpace and CurrentTV. If you want to learn more, we've set up a Back Story page on our website. A lot of people are trying a lot of new ways of telling stories using the internet, but we have taken it giant step further, and you can be part of it whether your style is festival film making, or webmovie making. It's going to be a blast!
Thank you for staying with me to the bottom of this page.
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